Planning a trip to the Orkney Islands Workshop

Join Yvette from Wayfaring Kiwi and plan your perfect trip to the Orkney islands!

Are you planning a trip to Orkney, or have these islands always been on your bucket list?

The awe-inspiring Orkney Islands are unlike any other place in Scotland; with their fascinating Viking and Scots heritage, striking landscapes, scrumptious food and drink, and prehistoric sites- there is just so much to see, taste and experience!

Join me, Yvette aka Wayfaring Kiwi, Scottish island lover and travel expert, for a workshop where I will help you to plan the perfect adventure to the Orkney Islands.

With such a vast history and too many things to see and do, planning a trip to these islands can be overwhelming. Let's make it fun!

Did you know: researchers discovered in 2010 that
planning a trip makes you happier than actually taking it!

About me

Hello, I'm Yvette! I'm a full-time travel blogger and I live in Scotland. My job is to travel around Scotland (usually with my husband and son in tow) writing travel guides which help people plan their adventures around Scotland.

I've explored the width and breadth of Scotland- in fact, I was the first solo female to walk the Scottish National Trail, a hike that zig-zags the length of the country.

I've created the Planning a Trip To Orkney as the perfect introduction to help you get started with researching and booking your trip.

In this workshop I share all my tips for visiting this archipelago- whether you live in the UK or are travelling from overseas!

Did you know...

Orkney was once a power centre in Europe, and was ruled by Vikings. It became a part of Scotland in the 15th century, so the islands have a distinct culture that is different to anywhere in Scotland!

What does the workshop cover?

• Orkney's enthralling history- and some folklore!

• How to get to the Orkney islands and travelling between the islands

• The top 5 islands to visit

• The best things to do in Orkney- the must-see locations and my favourite hidden gems

• Where and how to book accommodation, tours, and activities

• The best places to eat and drink (and best Orkney produce to try!)

• Your questions about planning a trip to Orkney

• And much more!

What you’ll get when you sign up



Join me (Yvette) for a 90-minute live workshop where you will plan your trip to the Orkney islands together!

Value: $285 USD


A digital workbook to plan your Orkney adventure, a travel planner that includes the top five things to do, places to eat, best photography locations, ferry routes, accommodation and more helpful tips, PLUS an island-hopping map with ferry routes to make island hopping super easy!

Value: $55 USD



A digital map that you can use on any device that includes all of my recommended things to do, places to eat, facilities such as supermarkets, toilets, parking facilities, laundry facilities, and more.

Value: $25 USD


The workshops were informative, great information provision, really practical useful tips and links provided, both Kay and Yvette have a laid back presentation style easy to follow and a few laughs along the way - I can’t wait to put together my trip with all the information I have gained!! Thank You Kay and Yvette for sharing your passion for Scotland!

— Kristie Plummer, Australia

This was a very informative class and Kay and Yvette are very informative and their excitement for Scotland is infectious. I would highly recommend this class to anyone traveling to Scotland.

— Fidelia Fowler, USA

This workshop was a great tool that helped us start planning our first trip to Scotland! Yvette is a knowledgeable guide whose love of the country is evident in her willingness to share all those small but important nuggets of info, which helps make the planning less stressful. Thank you!

— Past Attendee


What will I learn/get from this workshop?

This workshop covers the following topics: how to book ferries to reach the islands, the main attractions, some of Yvette's favourite things to do in Orkney, getting around the islands, recommended restaurants and places to eat, how to book accommodation, tours and activities, Orkney's history, and much more.

How much does the workshop cost?

The workshop is $47 USD. You will also receive a digital Orkney Travel Planner which is a workbook that will help you to plan your Orkney adventure, and my Orkney Travel Planning Cheat Sheets. As a bonus, I've also included a visual map that has all the ferry routes between the islands to make your island-hopping planning super easy!

Will this workshop save me money when booking a trip to Orkney?

While I cannot guarantee you'll save X amount of dollars/pounds/euros- I will be sharing my tips and techniques for how I book my trips around Scotland, and where to book to get the best possible prices for accommodation, flights, ferries, and tours and activities.

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Should I be planning a trip to Orkney soon in order to take this workshop?

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SUB HEADLINEg a trip to Orkney soon in order to take this workshop?

Not at all! If you don't have a date in mind for your Orkney trip that's okay. The workshop will equip you with the knowledge that you need so that when you're ready to visit, you have the knowledge you need to get star.hl_page-creator--content .paragraph-N4cgwWcJao { margin-top: 0px;

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Not at all! If you don't have a date in mind for your Orkney trip that's okay. The workshop will equip you with the knowledge that you need so that when you're ready to visit, you have the knowledge you need to get started. This workshop is also open to people who may not be planning a visit, but have an interest in Orkney.

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PARAGRAPHted. This workshop is also open to people who may not be planning a visit, but have an interest in Orkney.

Will this workshop save me money when booking a trip to Orkney?

While I cannot guarantee you'll save X amount of dollars/pounds/euros- I will be sharing my tips and techniques for how I book my trips around Scotland, and where to book to get the best possible prices for accommodation, flights, ferries, and tours and activities.

Does this workshop cover all of the Orkney islands?

It would be impossible to cover all 70 Orkney islands, so we will be focusing on the largest and most popular island (Mainland) and a few island you can easily do as a day trip from this island. These are the islands the majority of people visit first when they go to Orkney.

© Copyright 2024 Wayfaring Kiwi & The Chaotic Scot