Plan your dream trip to Scotland!

Are you feeling overwhelmed when it comes to planning your dream Scotland trip?

Join Yvette from Wayfaring Kiwi and Kay from The Chaotic Scot for the Planning your trip to Scotland course!

An online course which you can delve into at your own pace, in your own time.

Does this sound like you?

• Your bucket list keeps growing, and you're not sure how much you can fit into your trip or what you should prioritise

• You're unsure where to base yourself or how to get around

• You want to book flights, accommodation, and activities but you don't know the most reputable places to book

• You have a limited amount of time in Scotland, and you want to make sure every moment counts

• You just don't know where to start with planning your trip to Scotland!

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, let us help…

Hello! We're Kay and Yvette. We both travel Scotland for a living and help people plan their dream trips to Scotland.

Kay is the 'chaos' behind The Chaotic Scot blog. She is a Lonely Planet author for Scotland, a massive foodie, and has a passion for Scotland's islands and travelling using public transport. She is also a former Scotland tour guide and travel agent, and has a degree in Travel and Tourism.

Yvette is a travel writer and former travel agent who loves travelling off the beaten path, hiking and the outdoors, and exploring castle ruins and other historic sites. In 2018, she became the first solo female to complete the 527 mile hike, the Scottish National Trail, which runs the length of Scotland. She writes the Wayfaring Kiwi blog.

Which is why we're soooo excited to introduce the...

Planning a trip to Scotland course

The Planning a trip to Scotland Course will equip you with all the information, inspiration and local knowledge that you need to plan your dream trip in Scotland.

The course is split into 9 modules with 75 short videos, each one covering a specific topic, travel tip or tutorial.

Enjoy the course at your own pace and in any order. Dip in and out, skip, pause and rewatch the videos as many times as you like.

During the online course, you will learn...

  - The destinations in Scotland you can visit

- Things to do in Scotland

- The must-sees in Scotland

- How to find hidden gems

- Restaurant & pub recommendations

- What to pack & what to leave behind

- Hiring a car & driving in Scotland

- Using public transport (bus, train & ferry)

- How to travel to Scotland's islands

- Money & currency

- Scottish customs & etiquette


PLUS Sign up today and you'll receive these bonuses...

BONUS #1: Planning a trip to Scotland Course Workbook - Worth $20

60+ page printable planner that walks you through planning your dream Scotland trip.

BONUS #2: The Beginners Guide To Planning A Trip To Scotland eBook - Worth $17

The perfect introduction to planning your Scotland adventure.

BONUS #3: Must-See Scotland Travel Planners - Worth $15

7 planners, including the must-sees of 7 major destinations in Scotland to cut your research time in half.

BONUS #4: Scottish Islands Cheat Sheets - Worth $30

If you sign up within the next 48 hours you will get our island cheat sheets with our 6 top islands. Includes an overview of each islands' unique quirks, practical info, and travel tips.

BONUS #5: Live Q&A - Worth $195

If you sign up within the next 48 hours you will be invited to a live Q&A with Yvette and Kay where you can ask them your travel questions!

Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up:



Become a travel planning pro

On the topics: planning your draft itinerary, getting around Scotland, booking your trip, and visiting Scotland's islands.

Value: $300



To share the islands' best bits

A snapshot of our top 6 islands with an overview of each island's unique quirks, practical info, and travel inspiration.

Value: $30



That covers the basics

The Beginners Guide To Planning A Trip To Scotland is an excellent introduction to planning your adventure.

Value: $17


To walk you through step-by-step

A 60+ page planner that will walk you through researching and planning your Scotland trip step-by-step.

Value: $20


To save you hours of research

7 planners that summarise the top things to see, do and photograph in Scotland's most popular places, saving you hours of research.

Value: $15



To chat about your trip with others

A private Facebook Group so that people taking part in the course can chat with other travellers and compare notes!

Value: Invaluable!

All of this for just $97!

Sign up now for just $97

How does it work?

Sign up at the link below: Woo hoo- you're in!

Check your email: An email will be sent to you straight away with your login details, a link to the online course portal and a link to the exclusive Facebook group.

Get stuck in: Log into the online course portal using your email address and password, get comfy, and get ready to learn all about planning a trip to Scotland.

Ask questions: Share your plans and questions in the Facebook group to discuss with the other members; Kay & Yvette will pitch in too!

What people said about our workshops...

(the course contains even more info and is much easier to follow!)

The workshops were informative, great information provision, really practical useful tips and links provided, both Kay and Yvette have a laid back presentation style easy to follow and a few laughs along the way - I can’t wait to put together my trip with all the information I have gained!! Thank You Kay and Yvette for sharing your passion for Scotland!

— Kristie Plummer, Australia

This was a very informative class and Kay and Yvette are very informative and their excitement for Scotland is infectious. I would highly recommend this class to anyone traveling to Scotland.

— Fidelia Fowler, USA

This workshop was a great tool that helped us start planning our first trip to Scotland! Yvette is a knowledgeable guide whose love of the country is evident in her willingness to share all those small but important nuggets of info, which helps make the planning less stressful. Thank you!

— Past Attendee


What will I learn/get from this course?

There are 9 modules with multiple easy-to-follow short videos by Yvette and Kay. We will walk you step-by-step through the travel planning process we personally use when planning our trips in Scotland, throwing in lots of personal travel advice, favourite destinations and recommended experiences.

How much does the course cost?

The course is just $97. You also receive our Scotland Travel Bundle valued at $82. This includes an eBook, must-see travel planners, 60+ page course workbook, our food and drink recommendations digital map, whisky distillery tours digital map, our Scottish islands cheat sheets and a live Q&A! Everything you need to plan your trip.

How long will the course take?

There is almost 9 hours of video content in total, broken down into 75 short videos. You can dip in and out, skipping and rewatching videos, depending on your schedule, what stage of planning you're at and what information you need. All in your own time.

How do I access the videos?

When you purchase the course, we will email you your password and a link to the online course portal, where you will find a list of all the modules and videos.

How long is each video?

The videos range from as short as 1 minute to almost 30 minutes, depending on the level of detail required to explain a particular topic or for a tutorial on a booking process. You can take a break at any time.

What if I need more help or have questions about the course?

You can post any questions in the members-only Facebook group which we will monitor regularly.

If you needed more 1:1 help and advice, we both offer 1 hour travel consultations via Zoom. Please note these are an additional cost.

© Copyright 2023 Wayfaring Kiwi & The Chaotic Scot